
Can we pray for you?

Millions of people around the world believe in the power of prayer. If you are facing a difficult time in your life we would love the opportunity to pray for you. The Bible tells us to share our worries and anxieties with God.

At St Augustine’s we have set up a prayer group who will meet regularly to pray for those who request it. We will also pray for a particular street or road in the village - a different one each time - and for anything that is happening in the area, the country or the world.

We don’t just want to pray when something goes wrong. We like to give thanks too. We should always be thankful for blessings and good things that come into our lives. A recovery from illness, the birth of a new baby, a new job, plenty of food and warmth - anything that you are thankful for can be included in our prayer to God. Just let us know.

How do you let us know? Well, in church we have set up a prayer table - just opposite the main door. Simply write in the book who or what you would like us to pray for and we will make sure we do. If you feel you would like to pray yourself and are not sure how to begin or what to say, please take a leaflet from the table. Stay in church and pray or take it with you to your own home. God is there as well as in church!